Voice4Thought Academy – Mali – V4TA

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V4T Academy Mali

On this page you will find articles, audiovisual reports and texts inspired by situations encountered by our research teams in the areas of intervention of the Voice4Thought Academy in Mali: Bankass, Bougouni, Douentza, Gao, Macina, Niono, San, Segou and Tombouctou.

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Mali is in a phase of conflict. Several areas, including our search areas, are affected. This conflict could be summed up in a few words: crisis in the north and the problem of governance. Young people are trying to get out, but the situation seems to be getting worse and worse. V4TA has developed an approach that helps young people understand what is going on in their different areas so that they can make their own analyses and better express themselves on the situation. This platform presents the news and activities of these young people on the basis of our qualitative research that we carry out within the framework of the Voice4Thought Academy.

Each area has its own dynamics, hence the creation of this page, which offers a space for research and exchange on the different themes, approached with a critical eye.

The results of this research are accessible in our archive (digital library) which will, over time, inform the research sites and Mali. For us, getting to know each other better is the basis of peace.

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Do you have any questions or would you like to comment on our content? Feel free to open a discussion and leave your comments. Thank you for following us and sharing these stories in your networks!

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Get to know the authors of the V4TA Academy

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