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The Foundation Voice4Tought (V4T) is dedicated to promote intercultural collaborations between artists and scientists to achieve an innovative way of accessible knowledge production. If you enjoy our website, events and believe in our mission, please consider making a donation. The Foundation V4T uses these funds in part to help fund the infrastructure, events, biographical research and specific projects to help develop the V4T platform and accommodate the needs of the projects we help develop.

Using the form below you can make a donation using IDEAL, credit card or PayPal. Payments made using this method are secure and processed by Mollie, one of the leading payment service providers in the Netherlands.

As V4T is a foundation, in some countries your donation can be tax deductible. If you would like to donate using another method, please get in touch via email: or by filling out the contact form.

In the Netherlands, donations are tax deductible.

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